Professor of Dept. of Engineering and
Ecological Geology,
Doctor of geological-mineralogical
Associate member of RANS

Office: Dept. of Engineering and Ecological Geology,
Faculty of Geology, Moscow State University,
Vorobievy Gory, Moscow 119992, Russia
Phone: (095) 939-35-87
(1990), Geological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, RUSSIA
Ph.D. (1978), Geological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, RUSSIA
M.S. (1973), Geological Faculty, Moscow State University, Moscow, RUSSIA
Engineering Geology, Ecological Geology, Soil Mechanics, Foundation
Engineering, Environmental Geotechnics
LECTURE COURSE (in Geological Faculty of MSU):
1. Soil Research;
2. Thermodynamics of Soils;
3. Monitoring of Geological Environment;
Theory, Methods and Methodology of Geological Research;
4. Engineering Geology (in 3 parts)
5. Soil remediation
Engineering Geology, Thermodynamics of soils, Ecological Geology, Soil
Remediation, Electrokinetics and Electrochemical Soil Processing, Soil
- Member of
International Association of Engineering Geology (IAEG);
- Associate member of
Russian Academy of Natural Science
- Associate member of
Society of Natural Testing;
- Member of
Engineering Geology Scientific Council of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN)
A. Monographs:
- The Theoretical Principles of Engineering
Geology. Physicochemical principles. / Edited by E.M.Sergeev. (In coop.) -
Moscow: Nedra Press, 1985,
- 288 p. (In Russian).
- The Physicochemical Mechanics of Natural
Dispersal System. / Edited by E.D.Shukin and others. (In coop.) - Moscow: Moscow University
Press, 1985, - 266 p. (In Russian).
- Zlochevskaja R.I., Korolev V.A. The Electrosurface
Phenomena in Clay Soils. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1988, - 177 p. (In
- The Soiltest Practice. / Edited by
V.T.Trofimov and V.A.Korolev.(In coop.) - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1993, - 390 p. (In
- Korolev V.A. The Monitoring of Geological Environment / Edited by Prof.
V.T.Trofimov. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1995, - 272 p. (In Russian).
- Korolev V.A. The Thermodynamics of Soils. - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1997, - 176p. (In
- The Theory and Methodology of Ecological
Geology. / Edited by V.T.Trofimov. (In coop.) - Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1997, - 210 p. (In
- Korolev V.A., Gerasimova A.S.,
Krivosheeva Z.A. Engineering geologists of Moscow State University./ Edited by V.T.Trofimov. – Moscow, MSU publishers, 1998. – 190
p.(in Russian)
- Korolev V.A., Grigorieva I.Yu. et al. Safety of Russia. Regional problems of safety taking into account risk of
origin of natural and technogeneous catastrophes./ Edited by
V.I.Osipov. - Moscow, MGF «Znanie», 1999 (in coop.), (in Russian)
- Korolev V.A. Clearing of soils from pollution. – Moscow, MAIK
Nauka/Interperiodika, 2001, - 365 p. (in Russian)
- Field methods of hydro-geological,
engineering-geological, geocriological and ecological-geological
investigations / Edited by Korolev V.A. etc. (in coop.). - Moscow, MSU
publishers, 2000. – 352 p.(in Russian)
- Korolev V.A. Engineering and ecological geodynamics/ the Electronic
textbook on CD. – Moscow, MSU, 2004.
B. Selected Journal Publications:
- Korolev V.A. Laws of the
electrochemical soils remediation from petroleum pollution. - EREM
2001, 3rd Symposium and Status Report on Elecrokinetic Remediation
(Karlsruhe, April 18-20, 2001) / Herausgeber: C.Czurda, H.Hotzl etc. -
Schr. Angew. Geol. Karlsruhe, 2001, pp. 19(1 - 12).
- Korolev V.A. The methodology and monitoring conception of the geological
environment. - Proc. Intern. Symp. on Engineering Geology and the
Environment. / Athens, Greece, 23-27 June, 1997. - A.A.Balkema Press,
Rotterdam, Brookfield, 1997, A-part, pp.1317-1320.
- Korolev V.A. The thermodynamic regularity of phase composition form in
unfrozen disperse soils. - Engineering Geology, 19891, N 3, pp.
17-32. (In Russian).
- Korolev V.A. The thermodynamics of electrokinetic phenomena in
watersaturated clays. - Engineering Geology, 1991, N 5, pp. 37-46.
(In Russian).
- Korolev V.A.
The thermokinetic and rheological regularities of the dispersion systems
deformation. - Proc. Intern. Conf. on Colloid Chemistry and
Physical-Chemical Mechanics dedicated to the centennial of the birthday of
P.A.Rebinder. // Oral and Post. Pres. abstr, 4-8 October, 1998, p.255.
- Korolev V.A., Babakina O.A.
Research factors of electrochemical remediation clay soils from the
nitrates. - EREM 2001, 3rd Symposium and Status Report on
Elecrokinetic Remediation (Karlsruhe, April 18-20, 2001) / Herausgeber:
C.Czurda, H.Hotzl etc. - Schr. Angew. Geol. Karlsruhe, 2001, pp. 40(1 -
- Korolev V.A.,
Babakina O.A., Lazareva E.V. Electrochemical
remediation of the phenol contaminated clay soils. - EREM 2001, 3rd
Symposium and Status Report on Elecrokinetic Remediation (Karlsruhe, April
18-20, 2001) / Herausgeber: C.Czurda, H.Hotzl etc. - Schr. Angew. Geol.
Karlsruhe, 2001, pp. 20(1 - 8).
- Korolev V.A., Babakina O.A., Mitojan R.A. Electrochemical remediation of copper contaminated clay
soils. - EREM 2001, 3rd Symposium and Status Report on Elecrokinetic
Remediation (Karlsruhe, April 18-20, 2001) / Herausgeber: C.Czurda,
H.Hotzl etc. - Schr. Angew. Geol. Karlsruhe, 2001, pp. 11(1 - 11).
- Korolev V.A., Huihi F., Osipov V.I. The thermocinetic mechanism of deformation and destruction of
clay soils. - Engineering Geology, 1988 N 4, pp. 42-55. (In
- Korolev V.A., Mousatov A., Nakamura E.,
Ryjov A., Sanchez A., Shevnin V. Study
of mature oil pollution at oil refining factory in Mexico with electrical resistivity
sounding. - Proc. Congreso Internacional de Ductos, Merida, Yucatan, 14-16
Noviembre del 2001, pp. 21-27.
- Korolev V.A., Nekrasova M.A. Research of the electrochemical ions migration related to the
priblem of soil deactivation from the heavy metal pollution. - Proc. 30 th
Intern. Geological Congress. Abstracts. Vol.3. - Beijing, China, 1996, p.
- Korolev V.A., Nekrasova M.A. The electrochemical decontamination of the soils. - Proc. 8th
Congress of IAEG and the Environment. 21-25 Sept. 1998, Vancouver, Canada.
- Korolev V.A., Nekrasova M.A. The electrochemical remediation of soils. - Proc. of 31st
International Geological Congress, Sess. 22-3.- August 6-17 - 2000,
Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil (CD-ROM).
- Korolev V.A., Nekrasova M.A., Mitojan R.A. The electrokinetic migration regularities of the heavy metals
in dispersion systems. - Proc. Intern. Conf. on Colloid Chemistry and
Physical-Chemical Mechanics dedicated to the centennial of the birthday of
P.A.Rebinder. // Oral and Post. Pres. abstr, 4-8 October, 1998, p.86.
- Korolev V.A., Sokolov V.N., Shlykov V.G.,
Kaczmarek B. Mineral composition,
microstructure and physico-chemical peculiarities of some clays in rock
weathering of Lesna-Miloshuv region. - Proc. XIII International
Conf. on Clay Mineralogy and Petrology. - Praque. August 24 - september 2,
Poster session IV., sect.1, 1994, p. 59.
- Nekrasova M.A., Korolev V.A. Electrochemical cleaning of polluted clay. - Proc. Intern.
Symp. on Engineering Geology and the Environment. / Athens, Greece,
23-27 June, 1997. - A.A.Balkema Press, Rotterdam, Brookfield, 1997,
A-part, pp.2047-2052.
- Polishchiuk S.L., Korolev V.A.,
Sokolov V.N. Interrelations between diffusion
- osmotic transfer parameters in soils and soil micromorphological
features. - Proc. 10 th International Working Meeting on Soil
Micromorphology. (Moscow, Russia, July 8-13, 1996). - Moscow, 1996, p.173.
- Polishuk S.L., Korolev V.A., Sokolov V.N. Research of influence of clay soils microstructure on the
intensity of diffusion-osmotic transport. - European geophysical society
XXII General Assembly. Vienna, 21-25 April 1997. Austria.
- Polishyk C.L., Korolev V.A., Sokolov V.N. Research of clay soils microstructure influence on the
intensity of diffusion-osmotic transport. - The 18th International
Geochemical Exploration Symposium, 24-29 May, 1997, Tel Aviv,
Israel, p. 122.
- Rashed M.A., Korolev V.A.,Sokolov V.N. Geochemical forecasting of clay soils properties. - Proc. “The
Third Conference on Geochemistry”, September 3-4, 1997, Alexandria, Egypt,
ðð. 49.
- Sokolov V.N., Korolev V.A.
Modelling of geochemical migration processes in clay on the basis of
microstructure researches. - Proc. “The Third Conference on Geochemistry”,
September 3-4, 1997, Alexandria, Egypt, ðð.47-48.
- Sokolov V.N., Korolev V.A., Shlykov V.G. Fundamentals of clay properties modelling. - EUROCLAY’95. “Clay
and Clay materials science”. Book of abstr. under the auspices of the
European Clay Groups Assotiation./ Edited by: A.Elsen, P.Grobert and
others. - Leuven, August 20-24, 1995, pp. 24-25.
- Sokolov V.N., Korolev V.A., Shlykov V.G. Fundamentals of clay properties modelling. -
EUROCLAY’95. “Clay and Clay materials science”. Book of abstracts
under the auspices of the European Clay Groups Assotiation./ Edited by:
A.Elsen, P.Grobet and others - Leuven, Àugust
20-24, 1995, pp.24-25.
- Sokolov V.N., Korolev V.A., Shlykov V.G. Modelling principles of the engineering-geological properties
for clays. - Proc. 30 th International Geological Congress. Abstracts.
Vol.3. - Beijing, China, 1996. p. 383.
- Trofimov V.T., Korolev V.A. Classification of human impacts on geological environment. -
Conf. Terra Nostra. International Union for Quaternary Research. XIV
International Congress (INQUA), August 3-10, 1995, Bårlin, p. 277.
- Zlochevskaya R.I., Korolev V.A. Different types of soil bound water and their relationship
with soil physico-chemical properties. - Proc. International Conf.:
“Conference on Physical Chemistry and mass-exchange processes in soils”. -
Pushino, 12-16. X. 1992, p. 29.
- Zlochevskaya R.I., Voronkevich S.D., Korolev
V.A., Makeeva T.G., Divisilova V.I.
Peculiarities of the aqueous migration in clay soils during their chemical
drainage. - Proc. X International Conf. “Surface forces”. - Ìoscow., Nauka, 1992, p. 91.
- Zlochevskaya R.I., Voronkevich S.D., Korolev
V.A., Makeeva T.G., Divisilova V.I. Aqueous
migration in clay soils during their chemical drainage. - Proc.
International Conf. “Clay and Clay minerals”. - Australia, Adelaida, 1993,
p. 112.
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