TROFIMOV Victor Titovich
Doctor of Science in geology and mineralogy, Professor, vice-rector of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and International Higher Education Academy of Sciences
Office address: Department of Engineering and
Ecological Geology, Faculty of Geology
of the Moscow State University, Vorobyovy gory,
Moscow, 119992, Russia
Phone: 939-50-04
Fax: (095) 932-89 64
E-mail: trofimov@geol.msu.ru
Current Affiliation: Head of the Department of Engineering and Ecological Geology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Education and professional experience:
- 1955-1960 Student of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geology, Department of Engineering Geology
- 1960-1963 Engineer, Department of Engineering Geology, Moscow State University
- 1963-1969 Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Geology, Moscow State University
- 1969 Senior Scientist, Department of Engineering Geology, Moscow State University
- 1969-1971 Teacher, Department of Engineering Geology, Moscow State University
- 1971-1978 Associate Professor, Department of Engineering Geology, Moscow State University
- 1978-current Professor, Department of Engineering Geology, Moscow State University.
- 1987-1992 Dean of the Geological Faculty of Moscow State University.
- Since 1989-current Head of the Department of Engineering and Ecological Geology, Moscow State University.
- 1992-current Vice-Rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Areas of interest: Engineering Geology, Ecological Geology, Geological Education.
Publications: more then 750 scientific works including 40 books.
Selected publications:
- Trofimov V.T. Bearing on regional zonation of large territories, Proceedings on the basis of the regularities in the spatial changes of the engineering geological conditions (in Russian). Inzhenernaya geologia, 1979 (1): 38-46.
- Trofimov V.T. Engineering geological zones of the Earth’s continents (in Russian). Geoecologia, 2002 (6): 551-560.
- Trofimov V.T. Global engineering geological zonality of continents (in Russian). Vestnik of Moscow university, Series 4, Geology, 1983 (6): 3-11.
- Trofimov V.T. Approaches, principles and criteria of evaluation of ecological geological conditions. Earth Science Frontiers. 2004, 11 (2). 533-542.
- Trofimov V.T. Ecological geology – a novel branch of geological sciences. Earth Science Frontiers. 2001, 8 (1). 28-35.
- Trofimov V.T. Ecological functions of the lithosphere. Earth Science Frontiers. 2002, 9 (4). 293-304.
- Trofimov V.T. Law of zonality of engineering geological conditions of the Earth. In: Theoretical problems of engineering geology (in Russian). Moscow: MSU, 1999. 49-52.
- Trofimov V.T. Main regularities of the latitudinal zonal alteration of engineering geological conditions of West-Siberian plate. In: Natural conditions of West-Siberian plate (in Russian). Vol. 1. Moscow: MSU, 1971. 157-170.
- Trofimov V.T. Model of distribution of engineering geological zones on “ideal” continent. In: Sergeevskie chtenia (in Russian). Vol. 3. Moscow: GEOS, 2001. 190-193.
- Trofimov V.T. Regularities and consequences of zonality of engineering geological conditions of the Earth (in Russian). Vestnik of Moscow university, Series 4, Geology, 2000 (4): 45-52.
- Trofimov V.T. To the introduction of the term “engineering geological zone” (in Russian). Vestnik of Moscow university, Series 4, Geology, 1974 (1): 49-56.
- Trofimov V.T., Averkina T.I., Ziling D.G. Classification of engineering geological structures of the Earth In: Sergeevskie chtenia (in Russian). Vol. 3. Moscow: GEOS, 2001. 103-108.
- Trofimov V.T., Voznesensky E.A. The regularities of strength loss in clay soils in clay soils from central areas of West-Siberian Plate under dynamic loading (in Russian). Vestnik of Moscow university, Series 4, Geology, 1985 (1): 60-67.
- Trofimov V.T., Shvetc V.M. Improvement of the system of ecological education. In: “Ecology of Russia”, vol. 1 – European part. Moscow: Geoinformmark, 2000.
- Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G. Contents and significance of the doctrine of the ecological functions of the lithosphere. Otechestvennaya geologia, 1999 (3): 58-64.
- Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G. Ecological functions of the lithosphere. Vest. Mosk. Univ., Geologiya, 1997 (5): 8-17.
- Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G. Ecological geology and its logical structure. Vest. Mosk. Univ., Geologiya, 1995 (4): 24-36.
- Trofimov V.T. Genesis of loess soils subsidence (in Russian). Moscow: Moscow University Press, 1999. 271.
- Trofimov V.T. Theoretical aspects of soil engineering (in Russian). Moscow, Moscow University Press, 2003. 114.
- Trofimov V.T. The theory of loess soils subsidence formation (in Russian). Moscow.: GEOS, 2003. 275.
- Trofimov V.T. et.al. Theory and methodology of ecological geology, under V.T.Trofimov, (in Russian). Moscow: MSU, 1997. 368.
- Trofimov V.T. Regularities of spatial changeability of engineering geological conditions of the West-Siberian plate (in Russian). Moscow: MSU, 1977. 280.
- Trofimov V.T. Zonality of engineering geological conditions of the Earth continents (in Russian). Moscow: MSU, 2002. 348.
- Trofimov V.T., Averkina T.I., Spiridonov D.A. Engineering geological structures of the Earth (in Russian). Moscow: MSU, 2001. 176.
- Trofimov V.T., Balykova S.D., Bolikhovskaya N.S. et.al. Loess mantle of the Earth and its properties, under V.T. Trofimov (in Russian). Moscow: Moscow University Press, 2001. 464.
- Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G. Ecological geology (in Russian). Moscow: Geoinformmark, 2002. 415 p.
- Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G. Engineering geology and ecological geology: theoretical and methodological basics and correlation. Moscow: MSU, 1999. 120.
- Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G. Theoretical and methodological basis of ecological geology (in Russian). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg university, 2000. 68.
- Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G., Baraboschkina T.A. et.al. Ecological functions of the lithosphere, under V.T.Trofimov (in Russian). Moscow: MSU, 2000. 432.
- Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G., Baraboshkina T.A., Kharkina M.A. Ecological geological maps (in Russian). St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg university, 2002. 132.
· USSR State prize winner (1977, 1988)
· Russia State prize winner (1993)
· Moscow University Lomonosov prize winner (1975, 2002)
· State scientific Foundation-scholar (1995, 1997, 2000)
· Moscow society of naturalists prize winner (1998)
· Medal of Ministry of Geology of USSR (1983)
· Peter the 1st Golden medal of International Academy of Sciences for Nature and Society (1995)
· Silver and bronze medals of USSR Exhibition of Economic Achievements
· Honorary sighs of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences “For merits in science and economy development” (1998, 2002) and “Knight of science and art” (2000, 2003)
· Diplomant of the Foundation named after the academician V.I.Smirnov (1995, 2003)
Web-master: Korolev V.A.