Vasil’chuk Yurij Kirillovich
DSci, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (2004, Professor of Cryolithology and Glaciology Department, Head of Regional Engineering Laboratory |
119992, Moscow, Vorobjevy Gory,
Lomonosov's Moscow State University
Geology Faculty, Engineering and Ecological Geology Department
Main Building, Zone A, office 111
Phone: (095) 9394935, (095) 114-45-18 – home
Fax: (095) 114-45-18
E-mail: vasilch@geol.msu.ru or vasilch@orc.ru
The biographic items of information:
Prof. Vasil'chuk Yurij Kirillovich was born in 15.01.1954 in. Lazo, (Moldova). He graduated Lomonosov’s Moscow State University with excellent degree in geocryology and glaciology in 1975. He received a Ph.D from Lomonosov's Moscow State University in 1982 with a thesis entitled The regularities of Engineering–geological conditions of the North of West Siberia in Holocene. DSci in geology in 1991 with a thesis entitled Late Quaternary syngenetic permafrost of North of Eurasia: Structure, oxygen isotope composition and formation conditions, the Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (engineering geology, isotope geocryology and glaciology and quaternary geology; 28.01.2004; corresponding member RANS from 12.01.2000). He began a professional activity as a geocryologist in 1975 in European Polar Region in Ukhta in Institute of Oil Geology of the Eastern Europe. From 1976 the hydrogeologist in Tyumen Engineering-Geological Expedition of Geology faculty of the Lomonosov's Moscow State University, post-graduate student of the Lomonosov's Moscow State University in 1981-1982. From 1983 senior research fellow and head of Geocryologic Expedition in Design and Research Institute on Construction in Moscow. He undertook field investigations in nearly all permafrost regions of Eurasia, such as Gydan and Yamal Peninsulas in the North of Western Siberia, Central and Northern Yakutia, Chukotka, Magadan region, Trans-Baikal region and Arctic Islands. Since 1992 he is a head of Glaciology and Geocryology Data Centre of Theoretical Problems Department of Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 1996 he serves as a professor of Cryolithology and Glaciology Department of Geography faculty of Lomonosov's Moscow State University and from 1997 as a Head of Regional Engineering Laboratory of Engineering and Ecological Geology Department of Geology faculty of Lomonosov’s Moscow State University. He is concerned with the training of young scientists in Lomonosov’s Moscow State University, directed students’ thesis’s and has taught courses of isotope geocryology and geochemistry “Principles of Isotope Geocryology and Glaciology" and "General Geocryology and Permafrost Processes". He became a member of the international working groups of International Permafrost Association: Isotope and Geochemical Geocryology group (2003) and Radiocarbon group (1995). Since 2000 he is a member of Doctor Thesis Council of Geology faculty of Lomonosov’s Moscow State University. His principal science interests are in area of isotope geochemistry, geochronology, Quaternary Geology, stratigraphy, geocryology, glaciology and geomorphology.
Scientific achievements:
In the late 1970 Yurij Vasil’chuk became interested in the isotope composition of ground ices. For the first time in 1982 he yelded detailed isotope diagrams of ice-wedge ice dated by radiocarbon. He has studied from 1975 to 2004 more than 50 representative cross-sections with large ice wedges from Vorkuta up to Uellen. Isotope composition and geochemistry were studied in Holocene and Late Pleistocene ice-wedge ice of Seyaha, Gyda, Matyui Sale complexes on Mammoth Peninsula, Tambey River, Yeryakha River, Lyakkatosyo River, Yaptiksale and Kharasavey site, Yuribey River, Tanama River, Belyi Island, Ngarkatetnedayakha River, Mongatalyangyakha River, Napalkovo, Tadibeyakha River, Northern Yakutia: Bykovsky Peninsula in Lena River mouth, Bison, Zelyony Mys, Duvanny Yar, Plakhinski Yar ice-wedge complex and Alyoshkinskaya terrace in Lower Kolyma River valley, Kular ice-wedge complex; Tyalychima River and Mamontova Gora natural exposure in Central Yakutia, Northern Chukotka: ice-wedge complex on Ayon Island, Lavrentiya, Southern Chukotka, near Anadyr' town, Mayn River Valley - Ledovy Obryv and Ust’-Algan ice-wedge complex; Mountain areas of Magadan Region: Seymchan, Utinoe and Phoenix ice-wedge complex, Myorzlui Yar in Upper Yenisey River valley, Chara River valley in Northern Trans-Baikal region.
He developed isotope geochemistry as applied to cryolithology and palaeogeography. He did pionering and fundamental work in this field. He initiated integration of stable isotope composition of grounf ice into proxy reconstructions. As a result a concept of Late Pleistocene super permafrost zone and the quantitative palaeotemperature script of cryosphere development in Late Pleistocene for northern hemisphere on the base of stable isotope plots of ice wedges and glaciers have been created. Paleoclimatic events recorded in isotope composition of ice-wedge ice were synchronizated and compared with ice core master chronology. He has formulated a new model of cyclically - pulsing formation of large syngenetic ice wedges. It is provided direct chronological comparison of isotope records of ground ices and ice sheets and also reliable age setting for the last 40 ka.
In 1998 he obtained first 14C dates from ice-wedge ice using AMS 14C dating of organic microinclusions in the Seyaha Late Pleistocene and Shchuch’ya Holocene cross-sections of Yamal Peninsula, Late Pleistocene Bison, Zelyony Mys, Duvanny Yar, Plakhinski Yar, and Mamontova Gora cross-sections in Yakutia. The AMS dates show that in the ice wedges the older ice is located below the younger. The 14C dates yield for the first time a timescale (in 14C years) for paleoclimatic indicators (oxygen and hydrogen ratios from the ice). Also for the first time a pollen extracts from Late Pleistocene ice-wedge ice was dated (together with A.C.Vasil’chuk) in 2002 from Seyaha and Bison cross-section. It has been shown, that due to good safety of ancient pollen and spores the 14C age of pollen concentrate often is older than the organic micro inclusions.
High-mineralized ice wedges were found at Belyi Island and at Yavai Peninsula. An opportunity of sea waters addition in ice-wedge ice has been shown. Continental type of ice-wedge mineralization caused by salt concentration in lacustrin-marsh waters has been distinguished in Mamontova Gora cross-section.
He has studied geochemical and pollen composition of massive ice in Yuribey River valley and in Kharasavey site, Yamal Peninsula, in Tanama River valley, Gydan Peninsula, near Anadyr’ town and at Koolen’ Lake in the east of Daurkin Peninsula. Different origine of massive ice has been shown.
Detailed radiocarbon dating of palsa in Bol’shezemel’skaya tundra has shown, that the palsa formed in different time intervals, including Holocene optimum.
His hypothesis of mammots’ population decrease and their subsequent extinction shows that the main reason for extinction of mammoth fauna could be sharp changes of winter temperatures at Pleistocene/Holocene transition. Increasing Atlantic influences caused an increase of winter temperatures and the appearance of winter thaws. Resulting multilayered ice crust made it impossible to fine food and to move in the winter. He shows that the southern boundary of mammoths’ distribution is close to the southern limit of the ice-wedge casts distribution and therefore to the southern limit of severe permafrost. He also compared AMS radiocarbon results on amino acid separations with mammoth’s bone collagen from the same specimens treated by HCl and dated by beta counting.
His research interests include the application of isotope geology and geochemistry to isotope and chemical composition of a snow cover and glaciers Bolshoi Azau and Garabashi in Elbrus area, Caucasus, glaciers of Polar Ural, aprons of Khibiny Mountains and Kozel’ski Glacier in Kamchatka Peninsula. Isotope distribution in snow cover of North-east of Europe is studied.
For the first time reseach of enzimatic activity has been applied to snow cover, ice of glaciers, ice-wedge ice, massive ice, and structureforminf ice. It has allowed to determine facial features of ice formation.
Macrocyclic multistage ground veins system was studied and AMS 14C-dated in archeological site Chongokni (about 50 km northern than Seoul), very important archeological site of Southern Korea. Three important features were distinguished such as: 1) the sediments dated from 13 up to 35 ka BP; 2) ground vein complex has multistage structure caused by cyclic-pulsing character of sedimentation; 3) ground veins formation most likely, is influenced by frozen cracking under more cold winter conditions in Late Pleistocene. The main result of 14C AMS dating is the Late Pleistocene age of multistage ground veins complex.
He has organized Geocryologic Expedition in Design and Research Institute on Construction in 1983. As a head of Expedition he undertook field investigations in nearly all permafrost regions of Eurasia, such as Gydan and Yamal Peninsulas in the North of Western Siberia, Central and Northern Yakutia, Chukotka, Magadan region, Trans-Baikal region and Arctic Islands. The Program of Interregional Correlation of syngenetic permafrost sediments of Northern Eurasia was fulfilled. He studied features of modern ice-wedge formation. He has done the long-term forecast of exogenic geological processes in the north of Western Siberia within the framework of Global Changes. He studied preservation of the isotope signature in the ice-wedge ice. Palaeogeography and geothechnical maps is a result of his professional activity. Some of them were marked by awards of Geology Ministry of the Russia, Ministry of the Higher Education of the Russia, and Exhibition of National Economy Progress.
He contribute his efforts to the development isotope paleo cryolithology. He taught an ogiginal lecture cource The Principles of isotope cryolithology and glaciology at Geography faculty, Lomonosov’State University. The main feature of this research direction is quantitative palaeotemperature reconstructions of cryosphere and atmosphere for the last 40 ka. This direction is the base for climatic models of new generation, in which direct paleoclimatic indicators and data of mathematical climatic modeling are used interactively for the study of paleotemperature changes for the last 50 thousand years.
Priority research directions for last 5-6 years:
1998-2004 – study of 14C age of ice-wedge ice and pollen concentrate by AMS (together with A. Vasil’chuk). Precise age setting of oxygen and deuterium plots of ice-wedge ice. Study of deuterium excess features in ground ices (with Julia Chizhova assistance). Study of enzymatic activity of ground ices (with Nadine Budantseva assistance).
1998-2003 - detailed 14C dating and botanical and palynologic study of palsas in northeast of Europe.
1998-2000 – the textbook “Principles of isotope Geocryology and Glaciology” (coauthored with V.M.Kotlyakov)
2001-2004 – the textbook “Ground study” (coauthored with V.T.Trofimov et al.)
2000-2004 - study and dating of paleogeographical features in Southern Korea.
2003-2004 - synthesis of geocryologic information of Kharasavey Bovanenkovo etc. gas condensate fields in Yamal and Gydan Peninsulas of North-West Siberia.
2003-2004 - specification of southern limit of ice-wedge ices in Eurasia, investigation of variety of grounds types in ice-wedge complex sediments, study of paragenesis of ice wedges with other kinds of ices such as: interior ice of palsa, massive ice, glacier ice, iceberg ice etc.
2002-2004 - generalization of personal materials and works of the predecessors in the monography “Syngenetic ice-wedge ice”
The publications:
Yu.K.Vasil’chuk is the author of over 180 publications (see list below), from them there are 7 monographies, such as: “ Oxygen-Isotope Composition of Ground Ice” (Application to paleogeocryological reconstructions) 2-volum issued in 1992 and the textbook “Principles of Isotope Geocryology and Glaciology” (coathered with Academician RAS V.M.Kotlyakov) issued in 2000, about 20 papers he has published in “Transactions of Russian Academy of Sciences” and more than 25 ones in the International Journals, such as Radiocarbon, Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Earth and Planetary Science Letters etc. At the moment Yu.K.Vasil’chuk is completing his monograph “Syngenetic ice-wedge ice” within the framework of the program of Russian Federal Centre “Intergation”.
List of Publications
Important monographs
Vasil'chuk, Yu.K. (1992). Oxygen isotope composition of ground ice application to paleogeocryological reconstructions). Theoretical Problems Department, Russian Academy of Sciences and Lomonosov’s Moscow University publ., Moscow. (In Russian, with English the contents, all figure captions and appropriately summary). Volume One - 420 pp., Volume Two - 264 pp.
Vasil'chuk, Yu.K. and Kotlyakov, V.M. (2000) Principles of Isotope Geocryology and Glaciology. Textbook. (Osnovy izotopmoi geokriologii i glatsiologii. Uchebnik). Moscow University Press:. 616 p. (In Russian, with English the contents and appropriate summary)
Papers (In English only)
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Trofimov V.T. Cryohydrochemical peculiarities of ice – wedge complexes in the north of Western Siberia // Permafrost. Fourth International Conference, Proceedings. Fairbanks. Alaska. National Academy Press. Washington. 1983. P.1303 – 1308.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Trofimov V.T. Debated problems of paleocryology of the Pleistocene and Holocene of Western Siberia in light of new data // Moscow University geology Bulletin. Published Allerton Press Inc., New York. 1984. Vol.39. №3. P. 67 – 80.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Yesikov A.D., Oprunenko Yu.F., Petrova Ye.A., Vasil'chuk A.C., Sulerzhitskiy L.D. New data on the concentrations of stable oxygen isotopes in syngenetic Late Pleistocene wedge ice of the lower Kolyma River // Transactions (Doclady) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Earth Science Sections. Published by Scripta Technica, Inc. A Wiley Company. New York. 1985. Vol. 281. N2, P. 91 – 94.
Vasil'chuk, Yu.K., Vaikmae R.A., Punning J.-M. K., Lebman M.O. Oxygen-isotope distribution, palynology and hydrochemistry wedge ice in organic-mineral complex of Duvanny Yar type section // Transactions (Doklady) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Earth Science Sections. Published by Scripta Technica, Inc. A Wiley Company. New York. 1988. Vol. 292. N5. P. 69 – 72.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K. Paleological permafrost interpretation of oxygen isotope composition of Late Pleistocene and Holocene wedge ice of Yakutia // Transactions (Doclady) of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Earth Science Sections. Published by Scripta Technica, Inc. A Wiley Company. New York. 1988. Vol 298 N1. P.56 – 59.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Trofimov V.T. Oxygen isotope variations in ice – wedge and massive ice // Permafrost. Fifth International Conference, Proceedings. Volume One. Trondhein. Norway. 1988. pp. 489 – 492. Tapir Publishers, Trondheim.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K. Reconstruction of the paleoclimate of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene of the basis of isotope studies of subsurface ice and waters of the permafrost zone // Water Resources (Vodnye Resursy). Published by Consultants Bureau. New York. 1990. Vol.17. N6. P .640 – 647.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K. Northern Asia cryolithozone evolution in Late Quaternary // Permafrost. Sixth International Conference, Proceedings. Volume One. Beijing, China. 1993. pp. 945 – 950. South China University of Technology Press. Wushan, Guangzhou.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Climate variations last Late Pleistocene cryochron 40 – 10 Kyr B.P. in Northern Eurasia // International Conference on Past, Present and Future Climate. Proceedings of the SILMU conference held in Helsinki. 1995. pp. 67 – 70. Publications of the Academy of Finland, Helsinki.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Ice-wedge formation in Northern Asia during the Holocene // Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 1995. Vol. 6. N3. P. 273 – 279.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Radiocarbon dating and oxygen isotope variations in Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice-wedges, northern Siberia // Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 1997. Vol. 8. N3. P. 335 – 345.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Punning M.-K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Radiocarbon ages of mammoth in Northern Eurasia: implications for population development and Late Quaternary environment // Radiocarbon. 1997. Vol. 39. N1. P. 1 – 18.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Oxygen – isotope and 14C data associated with Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice-wedges in Magadan Region, Siberia // Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 1998,Vol. 9, N2. P. 177 – 183.
Vasil'chuk A.C., Vasil'chuk Yu.K. The application of pollen and spores to determine the origin and formation conditions of ground ice in western Siberia // Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Permafrost, Yellowknife, 23 – 27 June 1998, A.G.Lewkowicz and M.Allard (editors),University Laval, Collection Nordicana. N57. 1998. P. 1071 – 1076.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Oxygen-isotope and enzymatic activity variation in the syngenetic ice-wedges complex Seyaha of the Yamal Peninsula // Proceedings, Seventh International Conference on Permafrost, Yellowknife, 23 – 27 June 1998, A.G.Lewkowicz and M.Allard (editors), University Laval, Collection Nordicana. N57, 1998. p. 1077 – 1082.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. 14C and 18O in Siberian Syngenetic Ice – Wedge Complexes // Radiocarbon. 1998. Vol.40. N2. P.883 – 893.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. The 14C Age of Palsas in Northern Eurasia // Radiocarbon. 1998. Vol.40. N2. P.895 – 904.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., van der Plicht J., Jungner H., Vasil'chuk A.C. AMS – dating of Late Pleistocene and Holocene syngenetic ice-wedges // Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B. 2000. Vol.172. P.637 – 641.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., van der Plicht J., Jungner H., Sonninen E., Vasil'chuk A.C. First direct dating of Late Pleistocene ice-wedges by AMS // Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 2000. Vol. 179, N2, P. 237 – 242.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Long A., Jull T., Donahue D.J. AMS dating of mammoth bones: comparison with conventional dating // Radiocarbon. 2000. Vol.42. N2. P. 281 – 284.
Kislov, A.V., Vasil’chuk Yu.K. Some more about comparison of the paleomodelled and reconstructed data In Paleoclimate modelling intercomparison project (PMIP). Proceedings of the Third PMIP workshop, Canada, 4 – 8 October 1999. Edited by P.Braconnot. WCRP – 111, WMO/TD – No.1007. 2000. P. 265 – 271.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Vasil’chuk A.C., Long O., Jull E.J.T., Sulerzhitsky L.D. New data of the mammoth population in the Late Pleistocene permafrost zone of Eurasia // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2000. Vol. 371. N2. P. 335 – 338.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., van der Plicht J., Vasil’chuk A.C., Jungner H., Sonninen E. First radiocarbon dating of syngenetic Late Pleistocene ice wedges // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2000. Vol. 371. N2. P. 381 – 384.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Jungner H., Vasil'chuk A.C. 14C dating of peat and d18O – dD in ground ice from Northwest Suberia // Radiocarbon. 2001. Vol.43. N2B. P. 527 – 540.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Rank D., Kutschera W., Kim J. Radiocarbon dating of d18O – dD plots in Late Pleistocene ice-wedges of the Duvanny Yar (Lower Kolyma River, norhtern Yakutia) // Radiocarbon. 2001. Vol.43. N2B. P. 541 – 553.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Vasil’chuk A.C., van der Plicht J., Kutschera W., Rank D. Radiocarbon dating of the Late Pleistocene ice wedges in the Bison section in the lower reaches of the Kolyma River // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2001. Vol. 379. N5. P. 589 – 593.
Vasil’chuk Yu. Palaeopermafrost study in Siberia and Southern Korea // Proceedings of International Conference Celebrating of 55th Anniversary of the Geological Society of Korea held in Kongju, Korea on 25-26 October 2002. P. 73 – 85.
Vasil’chuk A.C., Vasil’chuk Yu.K. First radiocarbon dating of the pollen extracted from syngenetic ice wedges // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2002. Vol. 383. N2. P. 206 – 210.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Vasil’chuk A.C., Budantseva N.A., Volkova Ye.M., Sulerzhitsky L.D., Chizhova Ju.N., Jungner H. Radiocarbon age and Holocene dynamics of palsa in the Usa River valley // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2002. Vol. 384. N4. P. 442 – 447.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Kim J.-C., Vasil’chuk A.C. Radiocarbon AMS dating of isotopic diagrams of Late Pleistocene ice wedges // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2002. Vol. 383A. N3. P. 282 – 287.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Alexeev S.V., Arzhannikov S.G., Papesch W., Rank D., Vasil’chuk A.C. First data on isotopic dating of Holocene syngenetic ice wedges from the Myorzlyi Yar area, Upper reaches of Yenisei River // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2002. Vol. 383. N2. P. 225 – 229.
Monin A.S., Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Vakulenko N.V. Self-similarity hypothesis of the chronology of glacier dome spreading // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2002. Vol. 386. N7. P. 851 – 854.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Jungner H., Geyh M., van der Plicht J., Sonninen E., Budantseva N.A. Southern limit of syngenetic ice-wedge formation during the Holocene climatic optimum in north-west Siberia // Earth’s Cryosphere. 2003. Special Issue. Russian Academy of Sciences. Siberian Branch. Scott Polar Research Institute. University of Cambridge. P. 19 – 31.
Vasil'chuk A.C., Kim J.-C., Vasil'chuk Yu. K. First radiocarbon dating of pollen and spores from syngenetic ice-wedge ice // Proceedings, Eighth International Conference on Permafrost, Zurich, 21-25 July 2003. Eds.: by M.Philips, S.M.Springman, L.U.Arenson. Vol. 2. Zurich, Zwitzerland. A.A.Balkema Publishers. Swets & Zeitlinger B.V. Lisse. The Netherlands. 2003. P. 1167 – 1172.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Vasil’chuk A.C., Sulerzhitsky L.D., Budantseva N.A., Volkova Ye.M., Chizhova Ju.N. Radiocarbon chronology of palsa in the Bol’shaya Zemlya tundra // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2003. Vol. 393. N8. P. 1160 – 1164.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Vasil’chuk A.C., Kim J.-C., The AMS radiocarbon dating of pollen concentrate from the Late Pleistocene ice wedges of the Bisom section, Kolyma Region // Doclady Earth Sciences. 2003. Vol. 393. N8. P. 1141 – 1145.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Glaciers, Icebergs and Ground Ices. The Encyclopedia of Life Support System. UNESCO. Chapter EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd. Oxford. UK. 2004.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Properties of Glacial, Iceberg and Permafrost Water // The Encyclopedia of Life Support System. UNESCO. Chapter 2.3.6. EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd. Oxford. UK. 2004.
Participation in International Conferences
Vasil'chuk Yu.K. Contradictoriness of modern palaeoclimatic and palaeoglaciologic models of Late Pleistocene in the light of permafrost data // Buried glacier ice and permafrost in glaciated areas. Termination of Pleistocene in permafrost areas. Working group meeting IGCP Project 253. Abstracts. Tallinn. June 8 – 13, 1992. P.15 – 16.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K. Correlation of paleoclimate events in Eurasia at last 40 Kyr BP // 29th International Geological Congress. Abstracts. Vol.2. Kioto. Japan. 24 August – 3 September 1992. P.388.
Vasil'chuk, Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Permafrost – climate variability in Eurasia during the last 40 Kyr // Global Changes and Geography. The International Geographical Union Conference. Moscow, Russia. Abstracts. 1995. P. 365.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Oxygen – isotope composition dynamics of Northern Eurasia cryosphere during last 40 Kyr // Summer school on isotope effects as tools in basic and environmental research. Roskilde, Denmark. Abstracts. Publications of University of Roskilde. 1995. P. 41 – 42.
Vasil'chuk A.C., Punning J.-M., Vasil'chuk Yu. K. Radiocarbon age of the mammoth population development in the Northern Eurasia // 11 International Workshop on isotope – geochemical research in Baltic Region. Lohusalu, Estonia. Abstracts. 1996. P. 13.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Problems related to the radiocarbon dating of ice – wedge complexes in the permafrost areas // 11 International Workshop on isotope – geochemical research in Baltic Region. Lohusalu, Estonia. Abstracts. 1996. P. 14.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Palaeoreconstructions of Late Pleistocene (40 – 10 ka) in Northern Eurasia based on radiocarbon – dated oxygen-isotope plots // Workshop on the impact of climate change and glaciations on rock stresses, groundwater flow and hydrochemistry – past, present and future. Stockholm, Sweden. Abstracts. 1996. P. 56.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Comparison of oxygen isotope records of the different objects of cryosphere: ice wedge and ice core // International conference on "Fundamental research of Earth cryosphere in Arctic and Sub – Arctic (results and prospects). Pushchino, Russia. Abstracts. 1996. P. 38 – 41.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Forming regularities of oxygen – isotope composition in Eurasia cryosphere over the past 40,000 years (palaeoclimatic approach) // 30th International Geological Congress. 8 – 14 August 1996. Beijing, China. Abstracts. 1996. P. 219.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Trofimov V.T. Western Siberia platform permafrost mapping // 30th International Geological Congress. 8 – 14 August 1996. Beijing, China. Abstracts. 1996. P. 390.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. The application of deuterium and oxygen isotope analysis in ice – wedges for palaeoclimatic reconstructions // Isotope Techniques in the Study of Past and Current Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere. Proceedings of IAEA International Symposium held in Vienna. Publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. 1997. P. 93 – 94.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Jungner H., Sonninen E. Oxygen isotope variations in ice-wedge complex Seyaha formed during last 30 ka in the eastern coast of the Yamal Peninsula of Western Siberia // Isotope Techniques in the Study of Past and Current Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere. Proceedings of IAEA International Symposium held in Vienna. Publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna. 1997. P. 205 – 206.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Korneeva G.A., Budantseva N.A. Extracellular ferment activity as indicator of ices origin in syngenetic permafrost thickness near Seyaha settlement in Yamal Peninsula (Western Siberia) // Annales Geophysicae. Part II. Hydrology, Oceans, Atmosphere Nonlinear Geophysics. 1997. Vol. 15. Supplement II. P. C.462.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Chemical composition of syngenetic ice-wedge complexes of Siberian permafrost // Annales Geophysicae. Part II. Hydrology, Oceans, Atmosphere Nonlinear Geophysics. 1997. Vol. 15. Supplement II. P. C.462.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. The application of deuterium and oxygen isotope analysis in ice – wedges for palaeoclimatic reconstructions In Isotope Techniques in the Study of // Past and Current Environmental Changes in the Hydrosphere and the Atmosphere. Proceedings of IAEA International Symposium held in Vienna. Publications of the International Atomic Energy Agency. 1997. Vienna. Preprint. P.1 – 16.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Palaeoreconstructions of the Late Pleistocene (40 – 10 ka) in Northern Eurasia based on climate change and radiocarbon – dated oxygen – impact of glaciations on rock isotope plots // Workshop on stresses, groundwater flow and hydrochemistry – past, present and future. Stockholm, Sweden. Workshop Proceedings. 1997. P. A77 – A78.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. The radiocarbon age of the oxygen – isotope curves on syngenetic ice-wedges // XVI International Radiocarbon Conference. Groningen, the Netherlands. 1997. P.194.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. The radiocarbon age of the palsas in Northern Eurasia // XVI International Radiocarbon Conference. Groningen, the Netherlands. 1997. P.195.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Radiocarbon dates on mammots remains in permafrost: palaeogeocryological aspects // International conference on "The problems of Earth cryosphere (basic and applied studies) Pushchino, Russia. Abstracts. 1997. P.57 – 60.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Jungner H., Korneeva G.A., Budantseva N.A. Links between past Ob Bay level and distribution different components of chemical compositions and enzymatic activity in syngenetic ices over the Seyaha permafrost profile in Eastern Yamal // International conference on "The problems of Earth cryosphere (basic and applied studies). Pushchino, Russia. Abstracts. 1997. P.72 – 75.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. Late Pleistocene syngenetic ice-wedges formation in intermountain depression of the Magadan Region // IV International Conference on Geomorphology. Bologna, Italy, (Supplementi di Geografia Fisica e Dinamica Quaternaria. Supplemento III. Tomo 1). 1997. P. 390 – 391.
Vasil'chuk A.C., Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Budantseva, N.A. Syngenetic ice wedge formation condition based on the pollen and enzymes record In Polar Aspects of Global Change. International Symposium. Tromso, Norway, 24 – 28 August 1998,. Abstracts. P. 143 – 144.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Jungner H., van der Plicht J., Sonninen E. Radiocarbon age and stable isotope composition of unicum Holocene peat in Yamal Peninsula // International Conference on the problems of Earth Cryology, Pushchino, 20 – 24 April 1998, Abstracts, 1998. P. 99 – 100.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C. The model of thick syngenetic ice – wedge formation // The 28th International arctic workshop. Arctic and alpine environments, Past and Present. March 12 – 14, 1998, Boulder, Colorado. Abstracts. P. 157 – 159.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Jungner H., Sonninen E., van der Plicht, J. Detail quantitative palaeoenvironmental record of Eastern part of Siberian Arctic for the last 40 ka // Polar Aspects of Global Change. International Symposium. Tromso, Norway, 24 – 28 August 1998,. Abstracts. PP.145.
Kislov A., Vasil'chuk Yu. Simulations of extreme palaeoclimate of Siberia during last 22 ka using model of general circulation of atmosphere // Polar Aspects of Global Change. International Symposium. Tromso, Norway, 24 – 28 August 1998,. Abstracts. P. 135.
Vasil'chuk Yu., Vasil'chuk A., Budantseva N. Various enzymatic activity in permafrost in coastal and inter – continental areas of Yamal Peninsula // Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.1. N2. Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere. 1999. P.564.
Vasil'chuk Yu., Jungner H., van der Plicht J., Vasil'chuk A., Budantseva N., Korneeva G. Seyaha Late Pleistocene ice-wedge systems: palaeomarine and palaeoterrestrial formation stages // Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol.1. N 2. Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere. 1999. P.563.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., van der Plicht J., Jungner H., Vasil'chuk A.C. AMS-dating of Late Pleistocene and Holocene syngenetic ice-wedges // 8th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Abstracts. Palais Auersperg, Vienna, Austria 6 – 10 September. 1999. P.141.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Long A., Jull T. AMS-dating of mammoth’s bones: comparison with conventional dating // 8th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. Abstracts. Palais Auersperg, Vienna, Austria 6 – 10 September. P.162 – 163.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K.,Vasil'chuk A., Geyh M., Jungner H, van der Plicht J, Budantseva N, Chizhova Ju. Isotopic and biogeochemical characteristics of the geocryologic key profiles on the Yamal Peninsula as data base for the palaeogeographical reconstruction and for the planing of future environmental monitoring // International conference on monitoring of the cryosphere. Abstracts. 20 – 24 April 1999, Pushchino, Russia. P.57.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Rank D., Kutschera W. 14C dating of d18O – dD plots in Late Pleistocene syngeneting ice-wedges of Duvanny yar (Lower Kolyma River, norhtern Yakutia) // 17th International Radiocarbon Conference. Judean Hills, Israel, June 18 – 23, 2000. Abstracts. P. 173.
Vasil'chuk Yu. K., Jungner H., Vasil'chuk A.C. 14C dated Holocene optimum peat in the north of Western Suberia // 17th International Radiocarbon Conference. Judean Hills, Israel, June 18 – 23, 2000. Abstracts. P. 172.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Budantseva N.A., Chizhova Ju.N., Sulerzhitsky L.D., Jungner H., Palsa cyclic formation during Holocene // Rhythms of natural processes in the Earth Cryosphere, International Conference, Pushchino, 12 – 15 May, 2000. Abstracts. P. 223.
Vasil’chuk, Yu.K., Jungner, H., Sulerzhitsky, L.D., Vasil’chuk, A.C., Budantseva, N.A. and Chizhova, Ju.N. Palsa in north-east Europe: age and potential future. In 1st European Permafrost Conference. Rome. 26 – 28th March 2001. Abstracts. 2001.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Vasil’chuk A.C., Budantseva N.A., Chizhova Ju.N., Jungner H., Sulerzhitsky L.D. Palsa in North – East Europe: age and potential future // 1st European Permafrost Conference. Rome, March 26 – 30th 2001. Abstracts.
Vasil’chuk Yu.K., Vasil’chuk A.C., Budantseva N.A. Non – climatic cyclic formation of thick syngenetic ice-wedges during Late Pleistocene: isotope – geochemical aspect // 1st European Permafrost Conference. Rome, March 26 – 30th 2001. Abstracts.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Budantseva N.A., Chizhova Ju.N. Cryoconservation of pollen, spores, organic remains and enzymatic activity in ground ice and glaciers // International Conference “Conservation and transformation of matter and energy in the Earth Cryosphere”, Pushchino, June 1 – 5, 2001. Abstracts.
Vasil’chuk A., Kim J.-C., Vasil’chuk Yu. The first AMS dating of pollen from syngenetic ice-wedge ice // Ninth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS-9). Abstracts. Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. September 9-13, 2002. P. 224 – 225.
Vasil’chuk Yu., Kim J.-C., Vasil’chuk A. AMS dating of Late Pleistocene ice-wedge ice and stable isotope plots // Ninth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS-9). Abstracts. Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. September 9-13, 2002. P. 225 – 226.
Vasil’chuk Yu., Kim J.-C., Vasil’chuk A. AMS-dating of macrocyclic ground veins near Chongokni, sothern Korea // Ninth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS-9). Abstracts. Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. September 9-13, 2002. P. 227 – 228.
Vasil’chuk Yu., van der Plicht J., Kutschera W., Papesch W., Rank D., Vasil’chuk A. AMS dating of the d18O-dD plots in Bison Yar ice-wedge complex // Ninth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS-9). Abstracts. Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. September 9-13, 2002. P. 228 – 229.
Vasil’chuk Yu., van der Plicht J., Vasil’chuk A. AMS dating of the Duvanny Yar ice-wedge complex // Ninth International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS-9). Abstracts. Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. September 9-13, 2002. P. 229 – 230.
Vasil'chuk Yu.K., Vasil'chuk A.C., Budantseva N.A., Volkova Ye.M., Sulerzhitsky L.D., Chizhova Ju.N., Jungner H. Holocene palsa development near southern limit of their distributions as response to extremal local and global changes // International Conference “Extreme phenomena in Cryosphere: basic and applied aspects”, Pushchino, 2002. Abstracts. P. 291.
Vasil'chuk A.C., Kim J.-C., Vasil'chuk Yu. K. AMS dating of pollen concentrate from Late Pleistocene ice wedges of Seyaha cross-sections in Siberia // Abstract of the 18th International Radiocarbon Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 1-5 September 2003.
Vasil’chuk Yu., Vasil’chuk A., Jungner H., Sulerzhitsky L., Budantseva N., Chizhova Ju, Volkova Ye. Radiocarbon chronology of Holocene palsa of Bol’shezemel’skaya tundra in Russian North // Abstract of the 18th International Radiocarbon Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 1-5 September 2003.
Biography scetch see also:
1. Who's Who in the World. Marquis. New Providence, NJ. 17th Edition. 2000, 19th Edition. 2002, 20th Edition. 2003
2. Who's Who in Science and Engineering, NJ. 6th Edition. 2002, 7th Edition. 2003
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Date of updating: December, 15, 2004.