Department of engineering and ecological geology
Publications (1994-2004) |
1. monographs
2. handbooks
3. text-books
4. proceedings
№ |
Author |
Title |
When and where was published |
Circulation (thousands) |
Monographs |
1 |
Trofimov V.T. Ziling D.G. Golodkovskaya G.A. Kyrinov M.B. |
The theory and methodology of ecological (environmental) geology |
MSU publishers, 1997 |
1,000 |
2 |
Gerasimova A.S. Krivosheeva Z.A. Trofimov V.T. |
Engineering geology in Moscow State University |
MSU publishers, 1998 |
0,500 |
3 |
Trofimov V.T. Ziling D.G. |
Engineering geology and ecological (environmental) geology: theoretical and methodological basics and their relation |
MSU publishers, 1999 |
0,500 |
4 |
Trofimov V.T. |
Genesis of loess soils subsidence |
MSU publishers, 1999 |
1,000 |
5 |
Voznesensky E.A. |
Soils dynamic instability |
URSS publishers, 1999 |
1,000 |
6 |
Korolev V.A., Grigorieva I.Yu. et al. |
Safety of Russia. Regional problems of safety taking into account risk of origin of natural and technogeneous catastrophes |
MGF «Znanie», 1999 |
1,000 |
7 |
Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G., Baraboshkina T.A. et al. |
Ecological functions of the lithosphere |
MSU publishers, 2000 |
1,000 |
8 |
Korolev V.A. |
Clearing of soils from pollution. |
MAIK Nauka/Interperiodika, 2001 |
0,500 |
9 |
Edited by V.I.Osipov and V.T.Trofimov |
Memoirs on the academician E.M.Sergeev (to 90-anniversary from birthday) |
GEOS, 2004 |
0,600 |
Handbooks |
1 |
Korolev V.A. Gerasimova A.S. Krivosheeva Z.A. |
Engineering geologists of Moscow State University |
MSU publishers, 1998 |
0,500 |
2 |
Voznesensky E.A., Samarin E.N., Naidenko S.V., Osipova O.V., Tanasevich A.V., Shvergynova L.V. |
Methodic recommendations on low-expenses measures of engineering protection of ecologically vulnerable zones under maintenance of gas and oil fields |
MSU publishers, 2000 |
0,100 |
Text-books |
1 |
Korolev V.A. |
Monitoring of the geological environment |
MSU publishers, 1995 |
1,000 |
2 |
Korolev V.A. |
Soil thermodynamics |
MSU publishers, 1997 |
0,500 |
3 |
Voznesensky E.A. |
Soil dynamic behavior |
MSU publishers, 1997 |
0,500 |
4 |
Edited by Korolev V.A. etc.
Field methods of hydro-geological, engineering-geological, geocriological and ecological-geological investigations |
MSU publishers, 2000 |
0,500 |
5 |
Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G., Baraboshkina T.A., Harkina M.A. |
Ecological-geological maps / Edited by V.T. Trofimov |
SPU publishers, 2002 |
0,500 |
6 |
Trofimov V.T., Ziling D.G. |
Ecological geology |
Geoinformmark, 2003 |
1,000 |
7 |
Korolev V.A. |
Engineering and ecological geodynamics/ the Electronic textbook on CD. |
MSU, 2004 |
0,300 |
8 |
Ogorodnikova E.N., Nikolaeva S.K. |
The man-caused soils |
MSU publishers, 2004 |
0,300 |
Proceedings |
1 |
Engineering geology today and tomorrow (Proc. Int. scientific conf., February, 1996, Moscow) |
MSU publishers, 1996 |
0,220 |
2 |
New ideas of engineering geology (Proc. Scientific conf., September, 1996, Moscow) |
MSU publishers, 1996 |
0,500 |
3 |
Evolution of engineering geological conditions of the Earth at the epoch of technogenesis (Proc. Int. scientific conf., May, 1997, Moscow) |
MSU publishers, 1997 |
0,500 |
4 |
Genesis and models of soil properties formation (Proc. Int. scientific conf., May, 1998, Moscow) |
MSU publishers, 1998 |
0,500 |
5 |
Problems of engineering and environmental geology (Proc. Scientific conf. of graduate students, devoted to 60-anniversary of department of engineering and environmental geology, 1998, Moscow) |
MSU geological faculty publishers, 1998 |
0,100 |
6 |
Theoretical problems of engineering geology (Proc. Int. scientific conf., May, 1999, Moscow) |
MSU publishers, 1998 |
0,500 |
7 |
XX century – persons and schools of engineering geology of the USSR and Russia (Proc. Scientific conf., May, 2000, Moscow) |
MSU publishers, 2000 |
0,500 |
8 |
New types of engineering-geological and ecological-geological maps (Proc. Int. Scientific conf., May, 2001) |
MSU publishers, 2001 |
0,500 |
9 |
Petrology-genetically, historical-geological and spatial questions in engineering geology (Proc. Int. Scientific conf., May, 2002),
MSU publishers, 2002 |
0,500 |
10 |
Diversity of soils: morphology, reason, consequence (Proc. Int. Scientific conf., May, 2003)
MSU publishers, 2003 |
0,500 |
11 |
Engineering geology of loess soils (Proc. Int. Scientific conf., May 25-26, 2004) |
MSU publishers, 2004 |
0,500 |
International publications (papers, reports) of the scientists of department
1. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1994 - Voznesensky E.A., Kalachov V.Ya., Trofimov V.T., Fynikova V.V.;
2. Journal of Geological Hazards and Environment Preservation, 1995 – Sokolov V.N.;
3. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 1997 - Kalinin E.V.;
4. Landslide News, 1997 - Voznesensky E.A., Samarin E.N.;
5. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 1998 - Vasil'chuk Yu.K.;
6. Radiocarbon, 1998 - Vasil'chuk Yu.K.;
7. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (Elsevier), 1999 - Voznesensky E.A..
1. Trofimov V.T. – International conference, devoted to G.A. Mavlanov's jubilee (Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1995); International conference (Almalyk, Uzbekistan, 1995); XXX International geological congress (China Geological University, Beijing, China, 1996); Geology in southen Asia - II (Sri Lanka, 1997);
2. ZolotarevG.S. - International conference (Almalyk, Uzbekistan, 1995);
3. Sokolov V.N. – Meeting of IAEG section, report (Warsaw University, Poland, 1995);
4. Vasil'chuk Yu.K – 16 International radiocarbon conference (Groningen, the Netherlands, 1997); 4 International geomorphology conference (Bolonia, Italy, 1997).
5. Voznesensky E.A.. – International conference «Practice of earthquake engineering in next century» (Oxford University, Great Britain); 8-th IAEG congress (Vancouver, Canada, 1998); 8 International conference on soil dynamics and earthquake engineering (Istanbul, 1997); 3 International conference «Last achievements on soil dynamics and earthquake engineering» (USA, 1995); International conference «Euroclay’99» (Krakow, Poland, 1999).
6. Samarin E.N. - International conference «Euroclay’99» (Krakow, Poland, 1999).
7. Korolev V.A. – International conference “EREM-2001”, (Karlsruhe, Germany, 2001); International conference “EREM-2003”, (Luvien, Belgium, 2003).
8. Frolova Yu.V. – XXXI International geological congress (Florence, Italy, 2004).
9. Artamonova N.B. - XXXI International geological congress (Florence, Italy, 2004).
Trofimov V.T., vice-rector of MSU, takes a part in preparation and signing of important contracts, concerning international contacts of MSU, projects on geological education development and so on.
Web-designer: Korolev V.A.
Date of renew: December 3,2004.