
of engineering and ecological geology


International cooperation





International contacts of the department are realized by staff-members mainly as their personal initiative during their scientific missions abroad, international conferences, professional training of young specialists abroad, training of foreign students and graduate students in MSU, organization of scientific research with foreign scientists, reception of foreign scientists.

Scientific investigation “Microstructure of clays as an ecological geological factor” are carried out together by head of the laboratory of soilscience and soil stabilization Prof. Sokolov V.N. and Prof. Tovey K.N. (University of East Anglia, Noowich).

Scientific investigations on soil dynamics in the framework of international INTAS grant are fulfilled together by Ass. Prof. Voznesensky, Ass. Prof. Samarin (MSU) and Prof S. Nordal (University of Science and Technology, Norway) and J. Steenfelt (TU, Denmark).

One of the most popular form of international cooperation are the official trips abroad of scientists and specialists of the department. Following staff-members of the department had missions abroad for scientific research, consultations, reading lectures and so on:

1.      Prof Trofimov V.T.(INRIA, France; Umeo University, Sweden; Damascus University, Syria; Humbolt University, Germany; Sopia University, Buigaria; Ghent University, Belgium);

2.      Head of the laboratory – Prof. Sokolov V.N (Exxon, Huston, USA; University of East Anglia, Noowich, Great Britain; TU Delft, the Netherlands);

3.      Eng. Kharitonov V.D. (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mines de Paris, France, Antwerp University, Belgium);

4.      Prof. Kolomensky E.N. (Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mines de Paris, France);

5.      Head of the laboratory – Dr. Vasil'chuk Yu.K. (Helsinki University, Finland),

6.      Professor Voznesensky E.A. (University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada);

7.      Professor Korolev V.A. (Company “Pemex”, Mexico, 2003).


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Date of renew: December 3,2004.