Department of engineering and ecological geology
Scientific conferences, organized by the department (Russian) |
Eleven scientific conferences concerning the problems of engineering geology were organized by the department of engineering and ecological geology of MSU:
1. «Engineering geology today and tomorrow» (February, 1996, MSU);
2. «New ideas of engineering geology» (September, 1996, MSU);
3. «Evolution of engineering geological conditions of the Earth at the epoch of technogenesis» (May, 1997, MSU);
4. «Genesis and models of soil properties formation» (May, 1998, MSU);
5. «Theoretical problems of engineering geology» (May, 1999, MSU);
6. «Our teachers and colleagues – engineering geologists of Moscow State University (November, 1999, MSU);
7. «XX century – persons and schools of engineering geology (May, 2000; MSU)
8. «New types of engineering-geological and ecological-geological maps» (Int. Scientific conf., May, 2001; MSU)
9. «Petrology-genetically, historical-geological and spatial questions in engineering geology» (Int. Scientific conf., May, 2002; MSU),
10. «Diversity of soils: morphology, reason, consequence» (Int. Scientific conf., May, 2003; MSU)
11. «Engineering geology of loess soils» (Int. Scientific conf., May 25-26, 2004, MSU)
Presidium of the conference «Petrology-genetically, historical-geological and spatial questions in engineering geology» (from left to right:) professors G.K.Bondarik, V.T.Trofimov and V.A.Korolev – MSU, Geological Faculty, May 28, 2002.
Presidium of conference «Engineering geology of loess soils»: professors V.A.Korolev and V.T.Trofimov, - MSU, May 2004.
Prof. V.T.Trofimov speaking on a conference «Engineering geology of loess soils». - MSU, May 2004.
(Photo of V.A.Korolev)
Participants of the conference «Engineering geology of loess soils» (from left to right:) R.R.Mikashinovich, B.F.Galaj, V.T.Trofimov, B.I.Korobkin, - MSU, May 2004 (Photo of V.A.Korolev)
Prof. K.A.Kozhobaev (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan) speaking on a conference «Engineering geology of loess soils». - MSU, May 2004.
(Photo of V.A.Korolev)
Prof. T.G.Ryastshenko (Irkutsk, Russia) speaking on a conference «Engineering geology of loess soils». - MSU, May 2004.
(Photo of V.A.Korolev)
Participants of the conference «Engineering geology of loess soils» - MSU, May 2004.
(Photo of V.A.Korolev)
Prof. B.F.Galaj (Volgograd, Russia) speaking on a conference «Engineering geology of loess soils». - MSU, May 2004.
(Photo of V.A.Korolev)
Future conference
Korolev V.A.
Date of renew: December 3,2004.